Locksmith Lounge With Louie Episode 2 - Jose Gutierrez, Locksmith Insights 1
06 Dec 2023
As we celebrate the Holiday season, we are delighted to present an early preview episode of our show as we prepare for our regular episodes starting in January. Thank you for visiting the "Locksmith Lounge with Louie" blog. Our commitment is to regularly update this space, offering transcripts and alternative platforms for listening, watching, and interacting with each episode. We welcome and value your comments, suggestions, or inquiries, so please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Don't miss out on "Jose's Picks", featuring a selection of recommended products, located further down on this page. "Locksmith Lounge with Louie" is a venture born from a passion to support both new and seasoned professionals in various fields, providing a hub for valuable information, compelling stories, and insights from experienced professionals in our community. We hope you enjoy this episode and look forward to bringing you more engaging content from the "Locksmith Lounge with Louie".
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Speaker 1: Make sure you check out every moment of this episode. You don't want to miss a second. We're going to have coupon codes popping up left and right like crazy. Every second that you watch, there could be another code that could save you so much off of your next order at UHS-Hardware.com. So don't miss a second of this video podcast.
Speaker 1: What's up UHS Hardware fans? It's me, Louie, here today in the studio. We're filming the first test episode – actually, this is the second test episode – for “Locksmith Lounge with Louie”. I hope you guys enjoy this episode. We're going to be bringing this to you guys on a monthly basis, trying to repeat this, keeping it going. Lots of educational stuff coming to you from our guests, locksmiths, as well as other security professionals in the world – trying to get the top most mentioned names, as well as people who mean a lot to us here at UHS Hardware.
Speaker 1: So you guys can learn and get educated with us as we talk about really great topics going on in the world right now for locksmiths and security professionals. Our first guest today, actually it's gonna be our second guest once again, is going to be Jose Gutierrez, a great friend of UHS, a really great sales associate here. And we welcome him here right now, actually.
Speaker 1: So let's check out the episode. Come with me guys. So this is going to be our second test episode. Today we're going to have a really wonderful guest, a really close friend of us. He actually works here in the building, one of the major components of our sales team, Jose Gutierrez. He happens to be a locksmith himself, a very educated and well-versed person.
Speaker 1: He's all about the world, knows all about all kinds of stuff. Let's go ahead and welcome right now, come on into the show, Jose. Welcome, man. How are you doing today?
Speaker 2: Hey, brother. How you doing? Thanks for having me, man. I really appreciate it.
Speaker 1: Yeah, man. Glad to have you on the first episode of The Locksmith Lounge with Louie. If you don't know, everybody else going to find out, too, this is going to be a show where we're going to be bringing all kinds of really important people like yourself and all kinds of informational things here so we can talk about them and educate the locksmiths, let them know what's going on with the future of the business as well as what's going on right now.
Speaker 1: Anything that you want to get into right now, I guess we can talk about you as a locksmith. How long have you been, you know, being a locksmith, really?
Speaker 2: I've been doing it for about nine years. I started in 2010, started actually only doing automotive. Then about two or three years after I started to get into the residential commercial side of it. So I actually do all three now.
Speaker 1: Ah, that's pretty dope. What's the catalyst that got you from moving from one to the other?
Speaker 2: I mean, for me it was, you know, if I'm already doing vehicles, why not, you know, be all around and get into the commercial world, residential world as well. You know, there's pretty good money and profits when it comes to commercial residential locksmithing.
Speaker 1: Right. And when it comes to the commercial side of things, that's like you knowing people, like finding major clients, like how do you get yourself into that actual commercial aspect of things?
Speaker 2: Well, honestly, it-- what got me more into it is I started working for a company and they hired me only for vehicles. But I said, hey, I want to learn everything else being that I see that this company does it all – for my future, obviously. And for me, the more I learn, the better it is, the more experience I have.
Speaker 2: And, you know, the more knowledge. Knowledge is always great. So I definitely got into that and and I enjoy it. I enjoy it. You know, I'm always changing things around my house and stuff like that. So I said, you know what? I definitely want to do this. And, you know, I enjoy doing that work. I have a couple of customers like hotels and stuff like that to where it's-- it's good-- it's good business.
Speaker 1: That's good, man. And, you know, what kind of tools do you usually use and how do you keep yourself up to date on all this stuff? Like how do you know what next to get into, what the new trends are going to be? How do you keep yourself fully on, you know, on board with everything?
Speaker 2: I mean, there's-- there's always new stuff coming out every year. You know, I feel like it's really hard for one person to know everything. But the more you see it, the more you get familiarized with it, the more it helps you, you know, on that next job or on the next venture, you know, whatever that job might be.
Speaker 2: So to me, I'm a very fast learner and I like to learn all kinds of things. So it was really easy for me to actually get it. I remember when I first started, to me, I didn't even know how to Rekey a lock. I was like, Wait, what is this? And-- and with time doing the re-keys, I can I've even remember the pins, you know, Schlage 240 is a number five, things like that.
Speaker 1: So just takes after a while you get used to it. It becomes like second hand Knowledge, Right?
Speaker 2: Right. It just sticks. And, you know, I mean, obviously it depends on the person, but when you want to learn something, you will.
Speaker 1: All right. You know, I'm going to jump straight into something here. We're going to call it our five W’s. We're just going to go through, like, who's what's whens and where's and why's of your life real quick and your actual professional business. So I guess my first question for you is going to be, who is your greatest influence and your help in your journey as a professional?
Speaker 2: I mean, I want to say probably I have two people that I appreciate a lot and it was the two that basically taught me this industry. You know, first one, a lot of people might know him. He taught me the automotive world. Bobby Keel, great guy. He's known around there in the locksmith industry.
Speaker 1: I think a lot of people actually know that name. Yeah.
Speaker 2: He actually taught me a locksmithing for automotive... great, great technician. And then a good friend of mine is like a brother, Amir. Amir Eilon. He's known around there as well. He taught me commercial, residential, to where obviously it's helped me in my life. So I appreciate them and admire them a lot.
Speaker 1: All this knowledge gets you lots of business, I'm sure, that's really great. Alright so second question is going to be here. When was the first time you felt successful as a business owner?
Speaker 2: Honestly, I want to say the first time I was succes-- I felt that success was I remember when I first opened my business, I was very worried, you know, I guess you as a human, you get worried like, oh, how about if it doesn't work out? You know, I'm coming from a company steady paycheck. You know, I'm going out to venture out.
Speaker 2: And I felt that accomplishment that first week that I was out on my own. And I actually saw that I generated probably three times more than what my check was at that time. I said, yeah, this is definitely something great.
Speaker 1: That's awesome... that's great, man. I mean, it's cool to see that, you know, somebody can be successful with something that they, they try and it's new. Like it's really cool to see, you know, people get the ability to really put the risk in – it's a lot of risk into like starting anything new, any kind of new business venture. It's terrifying. So congrats to you, man. That's really cool.
Speaker 1: Thank you. Where have you traveled to learn or educate and what was the best or worst location you visited for work?
Speaker 2: I mean, I've traveled many places for work; Lancaster, Pennsylvania... Maryland... New Jersey. I've been to Los Angeles-- not Los Angeles, I'm sorry, Las Vegas.
Speaker 1: Ok, I love Las Vegas.
Speaker 2: Who doesn't? But yeah, I mean, probably the worst place. I can't say any worse place, really. I want to say maybe, let's say Lancaster, because it's, you know, kind of deserted and very cold at times.
Speaker 1: Yeah, I could see that.
Speaker 2: I don't-- I don't like the cold weather anymore.
Speaker 1: I got you. I got you, bro. That's cool, man. Any place you want to call the best you've ever been to, the most fun?
Speaker 2: I mean, for work or for fun? Because...
Speaker 1: For whatever works. I mean, you know, first you work, and then the fun comes after, you know. So... you can't mix them together.
Speaker 2: Because, yeah... work hard, player harder!
Speaker 1: I got you, I got you. Anywhere specific, you know, Vegas was good?
Speaker 2: Vegas was great. I always love Vegas. But my number one place to travel, honestly, is Dubai. I didn't go there for work, but., amazing place. I definitely recommend everyone to visit. It's really nice. You feel safe. It's really cool.
Speaker 1: I mean, it sounds amazing. I'd love to go someday. For sure. Okay, let's go to the next one. It's going to be, how do you keep yourself knowledgeable in all these many facets and emerging technologies? We kind of covered this before, but, you know, do your best.
Speaker 2: Well, yeah, the good thing is I work at UHS,
Speaker 2: so, I stay on top of everything. All the new items that we receive, every upcoming item and stuff like that.
Speaker 1: Would you say UHS, like the website is a good place to get a lot of information about new technologies? Or maybe it's talking to the staff? Like how do you think you yourself-- how do you find this stuff, you know?
Speaker 2: I feel our website has good good technology-- not technology, but information. You know, a lot of our stuff. Thanks to your videos, we have videos at the bottom. And, you know, we give them some information. But a lot of times also I do go and speak to the purchasing department. If there's anything new coming out or, you know... good thing is having a customer base as well.
Speaker 2: A lot of customers, if they hear about it before me, then they'll let me know. Hey, have you heard about this? This is coming up, hearing about this. And now I start to investigate and see exactly what it is.
Speaker 1: Are there any kind of like news sources or like websites you go to at all or, like, even like forums or blogs that you check out? Anything that you know, even like an idea that you might have. Maybe we should have something on the UHS website.
Speaker 2: I mean, a forum would be something really cool. You know, that's definitely going to be informative for these locksmiths out there. So that's, that's something definitely that we should probably look into. But as for me, I don't really have a website. The great thing is I have a really good friendship and connection with, with my friend Bobby as I spoke about him before to where he's always one phone call away for me.
Speaker 2: And not only that, he's always great to let me know these new items coming out or something new that he just discovered. And you know, he always keeps me informed. So I have the privilege to, you know, have that.
Speaker 1: Yeah it's good to have like a really knowledgeable person in your pocket. That's really cool, man. Okay, let's go to the next one. It's going to be how do you keep yourself... that's not right. The next one is going to be what is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in your pro career as far as like being a locksmith embarrassing locksmith situation, I'll say.
Speaker 1: Not like you lost your pants or something, right?
Speaker 2: Yeah, we won't get to that. Honestly, I want to say probably the most embarrassing thing for me, it really hasn't been anything drastic, but embarrassing more for myself to where, maybe something that should have took me 15-20 minutes to do actually gets complicated and turns into an hour and a half, something to that extent. But thank God, as of now, nothing embarrassing in front of the customer or anything to that extent.
Speaker 1: Right, no full failures or like things you can't explain.
Speaker 2: Yeah, no, no full failures. Thank God!
Speaker 1: Congrats. Good for you man. That's good. All right, so I guess we can move on from there and just head on over to, I guess, a little bit more of an overview of you. Like, do you feel still as passionate now about your work that you're doing as a locksmith as you did in the beginning? Like is it still just as exciting for you every day you do this, or like, is it like just old news?
Speaker 2: I love it. I love it. I definitely do. I enjoy what I do. And-- and honestly, I don't I don't see me moving away from it. You know, it's-- it's something when you enjoy what you do and there's good money, it's always a happy place, you know? You're always happy to go to work or get it done because, you know, you love what you do.
Speaker 1: What were you doing before you started doing locksmith work?
Speaker 2: I mean, before I started doing locksmith work, I did a lot of different things. Sales mainly. My main thing I did is sales more than anything, which-- which sales is great in the locksmith industry because right now you know how to sell a product. So most of the time I have been in sales all my life.
Speaker 1: Amazing. A lot of locksmithing as well as sales because you got to get them to understand why they want that more expensive key or why they want to spend the extra money on the extra this and that. The other, you know, you've got to upsell constantly. That's part of the whole business.
Speaker 2: Correct. High security lock as to a standard lock. Yeah.
Speaker 1: Yeah you don't want that piece of crap. You want this, you know. So it's-- it all makes sense. You know, you're a great salesman, I'm sure, from the start. So, that's why you work here and you're a leader. So I get it, man.
Speaker 2: Right. Yes. Exactly.
Speaker 1: What are the most used machines or programmers that you have in your collection? Like, what do you go to the most to get work done?
Speaker 2: What I go to the most is IM508. I own a 508. But, 508 or 608, same programmer just, 608 does diagnostics. That's the only difference. But when it comes to car programing, they both do the same. That's really my go to... my second go to is Auto Pro Pad.
Speaker 1: Okay another really great programmer, really good stuff. How about for your commercial or residential stuff?
Speaker 2: Commercial residential stuff. Honestly, the most important tool is a screwdriver, pliers. That's literally it!
Speaker 1: Having your wits about you. Right? Right, right. I got you. Any specific type of lock picks that you use over others for decoding and that kind of stuff?
Speaker 2: Honestly, HPC picking tools are standard. You know, the rake is my favorite. That's the one I use the most. But nowadays with Lishi’s around -- because, you know, when I first started, there weren't any Lishi’s, they didn't exist. And now you have the KW1 Lishi, SC1 Lishi, to where it's going to help you pick those things, you know, really easy.
Speaker 1: Are you good at Lishi-ing at all or is it something you have any experience with?
Speaker 2: I, I, honestly, I, I want to say I'm a beginner. I started late with that. You know, but, but I have practiced it and honestly, I have accomplished it. No problem. Obviously, practice makes perfect, so I know once I start using them more frequently, I'll definitely get it.
Speaker 1: I'd like to get, you know, a lot more knowledge in that myself. A little more hands on. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it seems like if you get it right, you can be incredibly powerful and quick about this stuff. So, it's a really cool thing, When it comes to your actual tool collection, what would you say? Like how many all together do you have and what is the tool that you've had to replace the most? 100 percent.
Speaker 2: Hmm.. honestly. Let's see. I mean, I love the car lockout kit. You know, it's easy money, It's fast, and they'd last long... but I don't want to say I have replaced that I mean, honestly, I want to say my Allen keys are the most I've had to replace because a lot of times I'll leave them at a site. Drop them. Leave them at a site. Oh, my God. I lost them again. so yeah.
Speaker 1: So, yeah. Keep a lot of affordable Allen Keys on hand. That's a good thing to say. All right, but we're going to go ahead and jump to our next portion of the show. Just keep it brief here. Okay? So now that we are done going through you as Jose, the dude who does what he does, let's go ahead and get into a nice, fun game.
Speaker 1: If I'm not mistaken, You are Dominican, correct?
Speaker 2: Correct. Correct.
Speaker 1: So I've got a little fun quiz for you here about some food, about fun and about shoes, things I know that you love personally. I've seen your shoe collection. It's pretty dope. So let's check this out. I mean, you say yourself you’re a sneakerhead, right?
Speaker 2: Yes, 100%.
Speaker 1: All right, So let’s go ahead and just run into this full quiz right here. We’re going to call it “D.R. Shoes and Food” quiz. All right. All right. So the first question we have up here is going to be, what is the name of the famous Dominican corn pudding dessert? A. Majarete B. Flan de Mais. C. Arepa Dulce D. Masa Mora.
Speaker 2: That is going to be A. Majarete.
Speaker 1: Let's see if that's right. Ding, ding, ding. Looks like you are correct. Way to go. That is a first right answer. We're going to put 200 points on the screen. Not sure how points you're going to get for that, but you're winning. Way to go. All right. Name the Dominican dish from fried green plantains, usually served with fried salami and cheese.
Speaker 1: A. Monfongo B. Sencocho C. Mangu or D. Morro
Speaker 2: It's going to be C. Mangu.
Speaker 1: All right. Someone knows his good flavors, Dominican pride in the house. Way to go, Jose.
Speaker 2: That's right.
Speaker 1: And how much? You know, all these dishes? You've eaten every one of these things?
Speaker 2: I have actually. Mofongo is the same thing. But it's the Puerto Rican version.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it is the Puerto Rican version. It's hilarious. I saw a couple of things, you know, saying that mango is a Dominican dish as well. I think it's hilarious. I also love Sencocho. That's something I used to have with my grandma all the time. So, that's pretty dope. All right, let's see. This might be one of the last ones about the Dominican Republic.
Speaker 1: So let's see what it's abou. Which fruit is commonly used to make a beverage called Morrill. Sorry. I said it wrong. Morir Soñando, son-Yan-Doh, there you go. A Mango B. Orange C. Pineapple or D. papaya.
Speaker 2: That's going to be B orange.
Speaker 1: Hey! Let's see. Hey, you're right way to go! That's another point in the books. We've got our crowd going wild back here. Way to go. We're going to put more points on the board for Jose and move on to the next question. Let's see if we can keep this streak going. What is the primary ingredient in a classic martini? A. whiskey, B. rum C. gin or D. vodka?
Speaker 2: I'm going to have to go with C. gin.
Speaker 1: All right. Let's see what it is. C. Gin. If you got a drink on hand, Jose. Let's go ahead and cheers to that. Way to go, buddy. Let's go on to our next one and get Jose those points. The Bloody Mary, which queen is the cocktail name associated with? A. The Queen Mary The first of Scotland. B. Queen Mary, the second of England.
Speaker 1: C. Queen Mary, the first of England or D. Queen Mary of Teck.
Speaker 2: You got me on this one. But I believe it's C. I believe it's C.
Speaker 1: Let's see if you did it.. Hey! You're killing it man. Way to go. All right, someone's winning. All right, let's go on to the next question. Name the famous Italian restaurant in Miami known for its high end dining and celebrity sightings. A. Il Gabiano B. Casa Tua C. Scarpetta or D. Cirpriani.
Speaker 2: Well, honestly, I want to know this so I can go now because I haven't been. But something tells me it's B.
Speaker 1: All right, let's find out. Hey! You are killing it man. This is great. All right, let's go on to the next one. It looks like we did a great quiz for you. You're killing it here. All right, which South Florida City is known for its annual garlic fest, celebrating all things garlic? A. Fort Lauderdale B, Miami. C. Delray Beach or D. Boca Raton.
Speaker 2: Hmmm. Lucky guess here, A. Fort Lauderdale.
Speaker 1: Let's see.
Speaker 1: Looks like you're off on that one, it’s C. Delray Beach. I'm going to have to check that out this year. You like Italian food?
Speaker 2: Well, I do. I do.
Speaker 1: Sounds delicious. All right. Garlic fest I've never heard of that place. Okay, what's up next? What year did the first Nike dunk model release A. 1985 B. sorry... A. 1982. B. 1985. C. 1988 or D. 1990.
Speaker 2: I want to say it was B 1985.
Speaker 1: Let’s see If that is correct. Hey killing it man, jeez! All right. Only one off on all of these. Let's see what we got here. Which designer is the mastermind behind the Off-white brand? A. Virgil Abloh B. Kanye West, C. Alexander Wang or D. Raf Simons.
Speaker 2: So easy. it’s A.
Speaker 1: It's... oh it is A. Killing it! You know, this is good trivia for you, man. All right, et's go to the next one. Which first edition sneaker was banned by the NBA for having what colorway?
Speaker 2: I already know.
Speaker 1: Let's see it. Go ahead. (It's C.) C. Jordan one black and red. Way to go. You know, your shoe knowledge, man. Way to go. (Thank you.) Next up, what is the nickname of the Teal Blue Nike Dunk SB Low made with the help of a famous diamond supply company?
Speaker 2: A. Tiffany.
Speaker 1: Let's find out... correct! Way to go. Killing it, killin it and I think that's it. That's the end of our quiz. You have a pretty close to perfect score there. I think you missed only one. So that's drope man, way to go. You are so far killing it as far as our guests have done. You have the highest score of any of them so far.
Speaker 1: We're going to put you on the board as one of the champions of the lounge. So, way to go for that! I think next we're going to move on to our next portion of the show. Where we're going to discuss the future of Locksmithing, things that are coming up, things that we should be concerned about or ideas that we should be ready to accept or fight against, or I guess as locksmiths. Anything that you are currently seeing or looking at or worried about yourself or, you know, think that we should be prepared for?
Speaker 2: I mean, honestly, one I think true problem that we're having -- and I'm talking about all locksmiths -- is the situation with the GM and Fords and stuff getting more difficult on the 2023’s, 21’s. There's not really any other programmer right now doing it unless it's the dealer tool which can be expensive. So we're hoping that at some point Autel...
Speaker 1: So this is, the CAN-FD is the thing you're discussing, correct?
Speaker 2: Well the CAN-FD is helping with with with the Auto Pro Pad to program these newer ones but a lot of them is hit or miss, you kno,w to where it's programing let's say 80% of them. But there's still that 20% gap to where there's going to be this one or two vehicles that it's not going to program and it's only dealer tool.
Speaker 1: Is that because of the dealers themselves or is that because of changes in the way that the tools work or because the server is yada, yada, yada? Or what would you say?
Speaker 2: That's the dealers themselves. They're not giving access to the servers. They're making it more difficult because obviously they want the customer to go directly to them (of course). So basically they're just trying to make it more difficult. All car manufacturers are trying to get like Mercedes to where, you know, they want everyone to go to them, right.
Speaker 2: So,
Speaker 1: Right. It's almost impossible to make their keys (right) I understand completely. All right. And you see that as being like the biggest issue on the front currently as far as what locksmiths are dealing with right now.
Speaker 2: (Currently yes),
Speaker 1: I personally know that there were lots of CAN-FD things that we're working. I had a couple of videos on some and then they just stop working suddenly... So, I mean that in itself is one issue but then the idea that they're making new cars with even harder systems to get into, more like, it's like with the alarm goes off and you're completely locked out and you can't touch anything.
Speaker 1: The car shuts down, basically, (Right) that kind of stuff. Any other specific issues, The new GM's, like is a Chevy more or Ford more? Who would you say?
Speaker 2: It's both. Really. It's both. They're really both cutting down. And I've heard a trick. I'll just let you guys know, like when it comes to these newer Fords and you're getting into the bypass and all of that, there has to be complete silence in the vehicle. No cell phones in the vehicle as well that can interrupt it to where it won't do the programming.
Speaker 1: Do you need to have like a Faraday bag and keep all the keys in the Faraday bag as well, like do you have to, just like complete radio silence?
Speaker 2: It'll be a lot easier. Complete radio silence. I mean, I even had a customer of mine tell me he walks into the vehicles with tape to cover the speaker. I even had another-- I even had another customer tell me something about the Bluetooth being connected. And since the Bluetooth was connected and the customer's son was like close to the vehicle while he was trying to program it wouldn't take the key until they disconnected that Bluetooth and then it actually programed.
Speaker 1: And so are these like safe things that they put like firewalls to keep people from doing the program? Or is it just like a more complicated, sensitive system that freaks out when these things happen?
Speaker 2: I think it's just the more complicated and sensitive system or they're basically put in it like a firewall to where if, until you don't realize it, you won't be able to program this key.
Speaker 1: Or maybe you're supposed to like, disconnect the-- one of the secondary systems. You know, like, one of the driver assist systems. This seems like it should be something like that. So that's crazy. So cool. Thank you for letting us know that. That's pretty amazing. All right. So I guess that we're good on that right now.
Speaker 1: That was a really great point. Thank you for bringing that up. (You’re welcome). Okay, So now I'm going to move into our keys to success. Actually, not we're going to do this first, plugs and pitches, Anything that you want to plug right now, anything you want to pitch, any new things going on at work, anything you want to discuss, push your Locksmithing company, Anything you want to do?
Speaker 2: Oh, no, not really. I mean, obviously what I say to me, just watch out with those new Hondas, also those new Honda's. I did find out that Triton cutting machine is probably the only one cutting that Honda blade right now.
Speaker 1: Okay. And that's like, what kind of.
Speaker 2: The new Honda Civics, Honda Accords. They come with a new test blade. It's all stainless steel blade to where no machine out there right now is cutting it. The only one cutting it right now is the Triton with an additional jaw.
Speaker 1: And it's because of the type of cuts or because of the material?
Speaker 2: It's because of the material of the blade. The blade is stainless steel.
Speaker 1: So it's difficult to cut stainless steel?
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Normally keys are made of like a copper... (Correct.) Okay.
Speaker 2: Something to like copper mixed with like brass or something like that. So now the new ones are going to be all stainless steel to where It's a very hard emergency blade and you would need to purchase a new cutter and a new jaw to do these keys.
Speaker 1: Well, all right. Well, that seems like a lot to do. So good to know. So was gonna be coming out with a new addition, I'm sure, for each machine to handle that. But right now, Triton does have a set up to do that.
Speaker 2: Triton has it right now.
Speaker 1: It comes with it with the ultimate addition of which addition of that device comes with that.
Speaker 2: It's an option. So basically you would have yeah, you would have to purchase the Triton and then it's it's an optional oh, like package of the jaw and the blade that you would need.
Speaker 1: Not even like the Ilco machines. And of those laser cutters, none of those can do it either.
Speaker 2: Nope. At the moment, no one else has told us anything but Triton.
Speaker 1: Well, okay. Also good to know. That's really great. Great points, man. You're doing a great job over here. Okay, I guess now we can move on to our actual "Keys To Success” portion. Now I'm going to have a thing where we're going to have on the screen that's going to say "Jose's Keys to Success" and you're going to give us some kind of a quote or a motto, any kind of a thing that sticks out to you or that you feel like you would like to push forward as like your statement to leave behind from you to other locksmiths or other professionals or just people in general.
Speaker 2: Okay. For me, I want to say treat people how you would like to be treated. Beautiful. You know?
Speaker 1: That's dope I love it, cool. Right? And I guess now we can go ahead and move on to letting everybody know that we are going to have some special offers going on for Jose. Thanks for being a guest today. You were great. You've been nothing but informational, like a wonderful second test guest. I can't wait to edit this together and show the world how great this is.
Speaker 1: Really? I feel like this has been very successful with your assistance. I really do appreciate you are going to have Jose's bundle of goodies, all the tools that he uses on a daily basis for his locksmith work on automotive or residential or commercial puts us together in the blog, and we're going to have as companion to this actual video.
Speaker 1: Check it out. Right now, links are going to be below what's going to be on screen once again. If you missed out on any of the codes, make sure you go back and watch this entire video. Jose, any thing you want to say on your way out here, man, Because we're going to close up here.
Speaker 2: Honestly, I just want to say thank you for having me. It's always great to work with you, Louie. You know, I appreciate everything you always do for us here, and all your work is noticeable, brother. Thank you very much.
Speaker 1: I really appreciate that bro. Of course. Thank you once again for being a guest on our second Test episode. We appreciate all the Locksmiths out there. Thank you, guys, for all the hard work you're putting in every day, working the many, many long shifts you do each week. You're over 60 Hour weeks are appreciated by us, I'm sure, by your families.
Speaker 1: Thank you, everybody. Have a great day. A great weekend. What are you going to do? Look out for the next episode. Coming out next, it's going to be starring Brian Suggs, a great friend of UHS. Check it out. Coming out real soon. We'll catch you guys later. Have a good one peace!
Speaker 1: Jose was a great guest. I look forward to seeing everybody what you guys have to say about it. Anything you want to let us know about it, anything you want to share it, talk to us about. Leave a comment down below. Tell us what you guys thought. Share with us your thoughts on Jose's work and of the things he has to say.
Speaker 1: Well, let us know what you guys think in a general sense. Can't wait to hear from you guys. And I don't know if you guys know a couple of things we have going on right now. I lost list. Where are you... as a companion with this podcast, We're going to be having a couple of deals as well as a blog going on.
Speaker 1: Make sure check it out. We can have a link at the end of this video as well as down below in the description. Anything that Jose talked about, any kind of stuff that he discussed. We're going to have a list there. And all those items you can get right now, 25% off exclusively through this podcast. So right now, check out the code right now on screen, it's going to be LLJG25.
Speaker 1: Put anything that he said in this podcast and you can get 25% off right now. And that's exclusively for people who watch this podcast and see this code. So check it out, guys. Also make sure you're going to UHS Hardware’s website right now? We have tons of deals going on right now for our sale that I would name now, but I don't actually know the name at this moment.
Speaker 1: So once again, guys, thank you for taking the time to check out this podcast. We are trying to get this thing together and hope it is very successful and that you guys like it. Let us know your thoughts down below or wherever you want to. You can call us up. Call me personally if you want. Tell me what you think about it.
Speaker 1: Make sure you're checking out the UHS, how-tos right now at YouTube as well as that you are Subscribed to us on YouTube as well as on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn. We also have at LinkedIn as well. We've comments or any questions you have for Jose right now, we'll get those to him and maybe we have an extra video coming out so you can ask you guys on all those things.
Speaker 1: We thank you guys. Thank you for your support for being out here, being a part of this whole thing. And we'll catch you guys soon. Enjoy your weekends. Enjoy your day. We'll catch you later. Also, if you missed any of the codes in the episode, there were exactly 13. So go back and check. Make sure you know exactly what goes to use for discussions going on right now at UHS-Hardware.com.
Speaker 1: UHS-Hardware.com, Catch you guys later!