How to Install Diagcode
21 Feb 2023
How to install Diagcode
2) You will click download for both “Pin Code Calculator Setup” and “Pin Code Calculator Drivers”

3) Once the application is downloaded open up “SetupDiagcode.exe”

4) Once setup is complete open “Drivers_acc6d552-0be0-4b1b-ae9c-32dd5b909eeb”

Extract the folder inside to your desktop

Open the folder extracted and copy the folder path (Should look something like this “C:\Users\13052\Desktop\Drivers_acc6d552-0be0-4b1b-ae9c-32dd5b909eeb”)

Open Device Manager

5) Locate Elite4 2.x and click it

Click “Driver” then “Update Driver”

Click “Browse my computer for drivers”

Paste the copy path and click “Next”

6) Open the software and verify the dongle is working by using a hyundai vin