*Discontinued* Keyline Mercedes Benz S50HF-P / HU41-P Mechanical Plastic Head Key (JET)

Out of Stock
SKU: KLN-BS50HF-P-JET-delete
NSID: 72408

This key is functionally identical to its Keyline counterpart KLN-BS50HF-P, but it is manufactured by JET, a brand recently acquired by Keyline.

  • Brand New
  • Manufacturer: JET (Keyline Packaging) 
  • Cross Reference: HU41P Silca HF64P CEA HF64P HD HF38P Errebi KT207 Fuki HU41AP Silca HF64P1 CEA HF122P Lotus S50HFP Ilco S50HFP Orion HF38P17 Errebi HF122AP Lotus XPHF105 RR XPHF102 RR S50HF-PH Jet 1357 PS29 B
